Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank you

I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me prepare for my trip thus far. I couldn't do it without you. A more complete thank you will be done after the trip, I am sure.

Thanks to Adam for being the best boyfriend ever and for paying for my hotel room. :)
Thanks to mom for the early B-day present
Thanks to Terri and Erika for letting me be your personal shoppers
Thanks to Audra and Courtney for the advice
Thanks to Karah for lending me your giant suitcase
Thanks to Sheila for watching my cat
Thanks to everyone else for their love and support.

I am just feeling so grateful that I am able to go on this trip. I know I had to put it on my credit card initially, but with the help of everyone I should be able to pay off most of it. I am so lucky that this will be my sixth adventure abroad. My life is just full of blessings! It is equally exciting that I will get to share it with my love. We're going to have great memories that will last a lifetime.

I am just now rounding out the rest of my preparation. I see Adam tonight to discuss last minute logistics. I bought a daypack, travel toiletries and a watch yesterday at Volde-mart. Now I just need to do laundry and sit tight. I can work on my itinerary some more and there are few things I've been meaning to look up...I can't remember what they are right now.

Oh, I just remembered...belly dancing, of course. A nice, random person from Tribe offered to help with our trip and he suggested a particular dance teacher. I doubt I will go because it is expensive and the teacher doesn't speak English. It seems like it would take a whole day too. I would really like to learn Turkish Rom, but there is a workshop in town coming up after my trip. If I am not too broke, I should try it. It would be great to take a class while I am over there, but I won't be too disappointed if I don't get to.

Anyway, six days and counting...

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